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Census Bureau

Department of Commerce seal

Department of Commerce


The U.S. Census Bureau is a leading source of information on the nation’s people, places, and economy. The Census Bureau provides data about the country’s population size and growth, as well as detailed portraits of the changing characteristics of our communities and economy. It conducts over 130 surveys and programs annually, as well as the widely recognized once-a-decade census. Responses to Census Bureau surveys and censuses can help determine how much federal funding a community receives, thus impacting public services like roads, hospitals, fire departments, and schools.

Designated Services

Responding to a Census Bureau administered survey


Each year, the Census Bureau invites millions of households to respond to one of approximately 100 surveys; for example, the American Community Survey, the Census Bureau’s largest household survey, invites over 3.5 million households annually to respond. The Census Bureau uses different methods of contacting and communicating with American households; most households are sent survey materials by mail, but the Census Bureau also uses phone calls, text messages, and visits by field representatives. By completing these surveys, a participant can make a difference in their community by improving the quality of the data used to make decisions that distribute funding, target resources, provide assistance, and create jobs in the community.

Obtaining Census Bureau statistics online


Every year, millions of people look for statistics published by the Census Bureau. They use the data to allocate funding, apply for grants, conduct research, collect facts for news stories, choose their major or career, or make critical decisions for their business or community. The Census Bureau has many online data platforms and tools, such as census.gov, QuickFacts, and an API, where the public and organizations can search for and engage with Census Bureau data. Data seekers access data using desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In 2022, a third of visits to Census Bureau websites were from mobile users, emphasizing the need for enhanced mobile experiences.

Action Plans

2023 Action Plan

CENSUS transitioned their A-11 survey and their FY2024 Q1 data will display during the FY2024 Q2 update.