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Strategy 2


Make every federal job a good job, where all employees are engaged, supported, heard, and empowered, with opportunities to learn, grow, join a union and have an effective voice in their workplaces through their union, and thrive throughout their careers.

Designated a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal

Goal 2.1

As of January 2025

Agencies will engage and empower all employees to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

The goal is focused on supporting agencies in identifying federal employee groups who are under-engaged based on the most recent Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) results and developing targeted engagement strategies. Agencies are also aligning these efforts with implementation of Executive Orders 14003 on Protecting the Federal Workforce and 14025 on Worker Organizing and Empowerment.

Check circle gold Completed this quarter

Goal 2.2

As of January 2025

Agencies will develop equitable, transparent, and transferrable career development pathways that promote career growth and agency mission delivery.

Agencies are exploring opportunities to address challenges with career development and cultivate a senior leadership corps, including the Senior Executive Service (SES), that has the skills necessary for current and future needs and reflects the diversity of our country. OPM, with agency support and engagement, will pilot tools to make talent development options within the Federal Government more transparent and accessible and to support existing federal employees in identifying the skills necessary to grow in their careers. This aims to support attracting, retaining, and growing the skills needed to support agency mission delivery. Lessons learned from implementation of Executive Order 13714 on Strengthening the Senior Executive Service are informing this effort.

Check circle gold Completed this quarter

Goal 2.3

As of January 2025

Agencies will promote awareness of employee well-being and support initiatives that extend beyond the workplace.

Like workers nationwide, federal employees across agencies have historically – and more acutely during the COVID-19 pandemic – dealt with a spectrum of challenges related to well-being. Some agencies have led the way in developing evidence-based support services and tools for employees and creating an inclusive, supportive culture. These efforts serve to both support federal employees and help ensure agency mission delivery. Agencies are identifying promising and scalable efforts across government and exploring how to foster cultures within agencies that support mental health and well-being, as well as potential benchmarks or measures to monitor progress.

Check circle gold Completed this quarter

Goal 2.4

As of January 2025

Agencies will use the full suite of available tools, including pay and benefits, to encourage public service and retain dedicated employees.

Agencies are exploring opportunities to attract and retain mission-critical roles through pay and benefits while fostering greater pay equity.

Check circle gold Completed this quarter