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FY24−25 Priority Goal

National Laboratories

Goal leaders

Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe


Office of Science (DOE)

Dr. Harriet Kung

Deputy Director of Science Programs

Office of Science (DOE)

To achieve

Deliver the highest quality R&D and production capabilities; strengthen partnerships with industry, academia, and other key regional and national stakeholders; and revitalize and modernize the physical infrastructure of the national laboratories to enable efficient national leadership in science, technology, economic competitiveness, and national security. The National Labs will continue to prioritize world leading and mission-critical innovation in science, engineering, and technologies.

  • By September 2025, the National Labs will work collaboratively to use cross- laboratory models in order to extend the capabilities and utility of high-resolution climate predictions to underpin solutions that address the Nation’s energy security and environmental equity challenges. Building on the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) report published in 2023, the National Laboratories will work with the Office of Science to establish the IRI program governance, steering model and membership to accelerate progress towards high priority integrated science goals.
  • By September 2025, the National Laboratories will work collaboratively to establish a common authentication/authorization security framework and will demonstrate a workflow utilizing the security framework across at least three National Laboratories.

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